Oakwood Physiotherapy

Health Profession: Physiotherapist

Oakwood Physiotherapy & Wellness Centre is located in the lovely market town of Bingham, Nottinghamshire. The centre offers a vast range of gold-standard services in the treatment and management of many different pathologies. Oakwood’s therapists aim to get to the root cause of all complaints to holistically provide long-term, sustainable solutions.

Additional Services:

Oakwood Physiotherapy also offers laser, shockwave, SIS, ultrasound, Alter G, massageorthotics, counselling and reflexology.

Newlands House, 5A Station St,
NG13 8AQ

01949 831 648

MBST Devices

Oakwood Physiotherapy has the following MBST devices at its premises:
Arthro Spin Flex

MBST treatment bed for shoulder, back, spine, intervertebral discs, hip, leg, double-knee

Arthro Spin Lift

MBST treatment unit for arm, elbow, hand, finger, leg, knee, foot and toes

Get in Touch with Oakwood Physiotherapy

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