The Origin of MBST Medical UK
A history of Magnetic Resonance Therapy, how MBST arrived in the UK, and what the future holds for this revolutionary technology.
MBST Medical
How MBST treatment arrived in the UK
In 2007, respected physiotherapist and long-term rehabilitation expert Ann Clare encountered MBST® technology at an Osteoarthritis conference in Germany. Ann recognised that MBST treatment, in conjunction with physiotherapy, increased the speed of recovery, alleviated long-term conditions, improved mobility, and in most cases, prevented the need for surgery.
Upon viewing the quantitive results, Ann’s children, Charles and Liz, set up the first MBST clinic in Tinwell, Rutland, in 2011. As word spread of the effectiveness of MBST treatment, other well-established and independent clinics specialising in different health practices wanted to provide MBST to their patients.
With thousands of successful treatments and the number of clinics using the technology steadily increasing, Liz and Charles founded MBST Medical UK, a community of passionate healthcare professionals dedicated to enhancing their patient’s health and well-being and making MBST treatment readily accessible to every patient throughout the UK.
MBST treatment has become a mainstay of my practice for over a decade. My patients benefit from it to such an extent that I cannot imagine how I, or most importantly, my patients, would be without it.
– Ann Clare, Chartered Physiotherapist
From MRI to MRT
A history of Magnetic Resonance Therapy
MBST treatment has its technical basis in MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) technology. MRI devices work by generating a strong magnetic field to stimulate hydrogen protons in the body, resulting in detailed images of bone and tissues.
The foundational theory of MRI can be traced back to 1924. It wasn’t until 1977 that the first image was viewable, and in 1981 diseased tissue was distinguishable from healthy tissue for the first time.
MRI rapidly gained clinical acceptance due to the images successfully showing the contrast between soft body tissues and, unlike X-Ray machines, the lack of radiation exposure. In the early stages of MRI development, patients often had to be examined multiple times to ensure a correct diagnosis. After these frequent Magnetic Resonance Imaging examinations, several patients with joint problems reported that their conditions had improved and, in due course, improved further.
The Origin of MBST
Developing the technology
The developer of therapeutic magnetic resonance devices, Axel Muntermann, along with physicians, biologists and physicists, concluded that the magnetic resonance from the MRI machines triggered these positive health effects.
By using the same physical principle as the MRI device, A. Muntermann developed the MBST treatment system using sequences to stimulate hydrogen protons in specific targeted tissues. This action then activates various processes, influencing the cells’ metabolism and triggering anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects.
Following a successful practical test phase, the first MBST magnetic resonance therapy device came onto the market in 1998 and is now successfully applied globally in medical practices, health centres, hospitals and clinics.
MBST machines are far smaller and less imposing than MRI machines and elicit significantly weaker magnetic fields. MBST devices are open rather than enclosed, offering comfortable, silent and relaxing therapy. They are simple to use and vary in size for the treatment of different conditions, including a mobile version.

Always Evolving
Ongoing research & development
MBST technology continues to steadily improve, with new therapy devices being brought to market and finding an ever-increasing number of conditions that can benefit from the MBST technology.
The in-house research department determines tissue-specific proton spin resonance data using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This data forms the basis for the development of new MBST therapy sequences.
Pre-existing MBST therapy sequences are continuously optimised to reflect the scientific knowledge and the experience of the health professionals who apply MBST therapy.