MBST (Molecular Bio-Physical Stimulation Therapy) and PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy)

MBST and PEMF are very different and here are the main differences you need to know…

Some key takeaways for you;

  • PEMF impacts ions like calcium but these make up little of the body’s composition
  • It does not stimulate cell regeneration itself unlike MBST
  • MBST acts on hydrogen protons which comprise 10% of the body’s makeup
  • This provides far greater cell viability for growth and repair
  • A cell’s energy level or voltage determines its ability to function and divide
  • MBST recharges compromised cell voltage to restore optimum health
  • PEMF cannot reenergise cells directly in this way
  • MBST uses targeted radio frequencies absorbed by tissues needing treatment
  • Custom chip cards deliver the right frequencies to different tissue types
  • This absorption of energy powers self-healing through cell regeneration
  • PEMF relies only on single magnetic field with limited treatment area
  • MBST utilises 3 fields for maximum coverage inside the open device
  • MBST is the only technology acting at the actual cellular level
  • It makes cells biologically younger by restoring energy levels and function


For one, PEMF impacts the ions available in the body. The ones that are important are the ones that stimulate cell regrowth or are elements required for growth and mineralization such as calcium, sulphur, sodium, manganese, molybedenum and vanadium.

I’ve roughly ordered these in which they are found in the body from most common to least. One of the main problems here is that the most common element, calcium, is only about 1.2% of the body, add the rest up, down to sodium, and you still only have 1.7% of the body there. The rest are just trace elements.

When you compare this to the fact MBST stimulates the hydrogen protons, hydrogen making up 10% of the body, you can see the difference in cell viability to start with.

I’ll focus on calcium as it is the most available element that these devices can affect. Calcium is obviously used to help build bone, but for it to do this, it has to be mineralised along with phosphate and hydroxide.

The cell that mineralizes this compound is osteoblasts. Without these osteoblast cells, the compound cannot be mineralized and therefor the calcium cannot be utilised. An ionizing electromagnetic device does not stimulate cell reproduction.

The differences

Before I explain the next main difference, I just want to clarify something about cells, as it is very important when it comes to MBST. Every cell has a potential energy ranging from –50mv to –190mv, give or take, for arguments sake we shall deal with a cell that is –100mv.

When this cell is healthy and the piezoelectric effect is unhindered and everything is working fine and movement isn’t at all restricted, this cell will have the correct electrical balance and remain 100% full at –100mv.

When for whatever reason, be it injury, illness, a more sedentary lifestyle, the piezoelectric effect isn’t occurring this cell will not have the correct balance and may drop down to 60% resulting in there not being enough energy to divide healthily and so when it dies there aren’t enough cells to replace it. So we end up with less density.


This is where the next main difference is. MBST actually stimulates the hydrogen protons using radio waves, putting them into a high energy state, this energy is then released in the same way as in MRI. When we have an MRI the energy is reflected out and picked up by sensors for the computer technology to turn this into an understandable image for us to see.

When we have MBST, the radio wave is carrying the right frequency to be absorbed by the surrounding tissue. This is where the chip cards come into play as these frequencies differ depending on what tissue it is we are trying to act upon.

When this energy is absorbed by the tissue it can then be used to recharge the cell as it is the right resonance. This means that by doing this over and over again, we can fully get the cell back to the right potential energy and healthily regenerate and basically turn back the clock on the cell and make it “younger”.

Another difference

Another difference between the two is the design and capabilities. PEMF devices uses a single magnetic field and coil meaning that the magnetic field treatment area is only right up against the wall of the device.

With MBST having 3 different fields the treatment area is throughout the device and strongest in the middle which is why the device is designed with the bed in the middle and is much larger, more open and comfortable.

MBST is the only device that can actually act at the cellular level.

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A community of dedicated healthcare professionals who incorporate MBST therapy into our clinical practices. We are comprised of the most qualified practitioners in musculoskeletal health, including Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists and Surgeons, and we always do what is best for each patient.

April 6, 2021

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